Our History

“The first thing Lisa and I want to do is give credit to the Lord. It’s by His unmerited favor that has brought all of this into fruition. It was by divine appointment that Lisa and I met. We shared similar testimonies of being freed from addiction by long-term Christ-centered programs. Our goal was to one day open a recovery center for both men and women; something we could do as a team and as a reflection of God’s love for us. I’ve personally served in recovery for over 25 years. I have attained my Bachelors in Pastoral Psychology, a Master’s in Theology, and currently working on my Doctorate in Pastoral Psychology. I served as the Assistant Director of the Ark in Panama City Beach. That prepared us for what was to come. In the meantime, God was making things happen behind the scenes. With the blessing of “The Ark” we were given an opportunity for the property from an extremely benevolent woman, where Eden Shores Ministries Inc. began its mission. Both of us quit our day jobs and trusted in Him to bring us a Board of Directors for accountability, make a business plan, get a marketing team, the staff, and the support of the community. We have received all of that and more. Our first fundraiser raised enough money to open our doors, and raise awareness in the community, and we are so grateful and blessed for that outpouring of love and trust. We are a non-profit, so part of our budget relies on the generous donations from local supporters who have faith in our mission.

Our passion grows from firsthand experience. My wife, Lisa, and I have walked through the struggle of addiction and have come out victorious. Part of our Christian based recovery is the act of service, and this has been so prevalent for us in the healing process. With a combined 30 years of sobriety, our lives have become much more joyous and fulfilling, and we want others to feel that sense of wholeness that their addiction is stealing from them. God has allowed us to use our story of redemption to help others in their journey. Through our own walk we learned that being mentally-sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive are the keys to success. We bring this type of structure to our center with the desire to share God’s love and commitment for us to be the best versions of our ourselves.”

Pastor Robert Flores