How to Help

Partner with Us

The Bible talks about the Good Samaritan.  He was journeying down a dusty road, when he came upon another traveler who was terribly beaten by bandits and left to die.  Stopping to help, the Samaritan not only cleansed and bandaged the wounds; he also took the young man to a hotel to recover.  Giving the hotelier two coins of silver, the Samaritan said, “Take care of this man, and if you need more money, I’ll pay you back when I return!”

Over the years, this “Good Samaritan” has become legendary for his unselfish act, when others passed by ignoring the urgent need.  That day, someone’s son was given the help he so desperately needed.

Today, many other sons and daughters need help navigating life’s highway.  Through your generous monthly gift, you become a partner with us in rescuing those in dire need of life transformation.

Donate to Eden Shores Recovery Ministry

Eden Shores is a non-profit organization which provides services to those in need. In addition to client tuition, we are funded by churches, businesses, and private individuals who share our vision.

Your tax-deductible gift, and prayerful support, will help to keep our doors open and offer hope and restoration to the many broken lives that we touch here at Eden Shores.

Check back soon for payment links!